
A Visual Study Outline

Written and drawn by Wela Quan.
Yay Capitalism!

New York Bar Picture Book is an illustrated large format visual study outline for the New York State Bar Exam. Covering areas of law tested on the Uniform Bar Exam, it makes studying more approachable by bringing the law to life through 100 pages of hand drawn cartoons. The book is by Wela Quan, a bar exam veteran and former NYC corporate lawyer on a one woman quest to make the law more fun.

Who Is This Book For?

The NYBPB is Great For:

Visual Learners

Each key concept is illustrated with cartoons and diagrams.

Lazy People

A suitcase worth of dry materials condensed into 100 lean pages.


A surefire way to assert intellectual dominance over your peers.

The NYBPB is Great For:

A Quick Reference

Because I'm not that kind of lawyer, Mom.

A Gift for Summers

Those poor wretched souls.

A Reminder

That for one shining moment, you had all this in your head.

The NYBPB is Great For:

An Exam Taker's Life Saver

Seriously, they're having a tough time, every little bit helps.

A New Student's Primer

For all the pain, I never learned more than during this exam prep.

A Graduate's Memento

A worthy trophy from a vanquished foe.

The NYBPB is Great For:

Social Fabric 101

Really, everyone should know a little about the law.

Fact Checking

Keep the writers on Law & Order honest.

Nerd Cred

The Law is like having political opinions that actually matter.